Wishing I could label this "MTS, part deux"...........

But that of course, is not the case.  I should aptly name it "Discrimination ignored as usual" or "Ignorance gets a free pass".  I don't know exactly why Im shocked that my email has been ignored over their ridiculous behavior; or maybe rather it's just akin to rubbing salt in the wound.

Im sure when I email them again about last weeks little excursion, they will no doubt tell me they're overwhelmed with volume, it got lost in the shuffle, blah, blah, and super blah.  Im aware these things happen from time to time, but unless this behavior has become prevalent (and has yet to be exposed), I find it hard to believe that my email didn't stand out against the garden variety other complaints. 

Maybe Im just bitching in haste, and that response will magically appear in my inbox within the next few hours. 

This kind of situation, is just one of the many daily instances that make being a parent of an Autistic child so laborious.  So much of our time is consumed having to advocate, defend, and try to amend others wrong doings.  It really shouldn't have to be this difficult, but I suppose many another disability faced such obstacles in it's infancy before awareness and acceptance were truly is widespread. 

It's exhausting.  It takes away from what we really need to focus on; our children and helping them to navigate this often unkind world.


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Special Educator and mother to a child with Autism. Much to say, but so very little time as it so often goes!
