"I know you are, but what am I!"

I feel like I'm destined to be trapped in that cycle of elementary level thinking.  You would think (or hope) that if you are of the same profession as another, they would respect you and your experience.  I find more often than not, I'm talking to a brick wall (and I was incorrect to assume that my son's previous placement just had teacher's of that caliber).

I could pick it apart and come up with a billion different possibilities as to why this continues to happen.  But in reality, I grow so tired of it being on my mind, and affecting my ability to perform for my students.

Maybe its that I teach Non Public?
Maybe its that I teach the most severely affected in our county?
Maybe its that I have only ten years experience under my belt (which in most situations is more years than those I'm dealing with).
Maybe I'm viewed as a threat?
Maybe its that I'm only viewed as the parent?
Maybe its that I speak up and question multiple aspects; occasionally offering suggestions of what has worked in the home?

Maybe............I'll never have the answer.

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About this blog

Special Educator and mother to a child with Autism. Much to say, but so very little time as it so often goes!
